Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yard Projects

Well, I started 2 projects and have a mess!

 1)  Extend patio with pavers.  Ran into a concrete something that I had to have jack hammered out.  the dirt is so hard I have to water it and then use a digging pole to break it up, then put the loose dirt in a bucket and distribute it out back.  Ugh!!  This one will take me a while.

2)  I moved 2 blocks of decorative pavers (to be used on the patio extention) behind my trailer.  I moved large gravel from in front of the shed and put in blocks that line the planter.  I was going to finish this one when the other one was finished, but have decided that that might be a long time from now.  I have it ready for the dirt and flowers.  I will have it finished by tomorrow.  Yeh!!! 1 down and 1 to go.

OH!  I finished painting the white iron on the patio.  pics to follow.

There is a BlueGrass Festival in town this week end and I want to go sometime today.

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