Saturday, March 26, 2011


It is finally getting warmer and I can open windows and the door to let in fresh air. However, with the warmer weather comes the wind. It hasn't been to bad but did rock the trailer one day.

I'm in the process of putting away winter clothes and getting my summer stuff out and ready to wear. Today is window washing day too. With the curtains up the windows really do show the dirt.

Billie likes to be out more. I think it is the sound of all the birds singing. He is not much of a hunter, just likes to watch them and dream of the hunt.

The trees behind me do not even have buds on them yet. Maybe I am in to much of a hurry for spring/summer. Mother Nature doesn't consult me on timing. Darn!

Most of the people here are getting ready to go back home. Out visiting and packing. So far everyone I've met is very nice and helpful.

I've put of the windows long enough - time to get busy.


Wednesday I went into Tucson for an interview with Big Brother, Big Sister. Their office is in downtown Tucson and I had to pay $10. to park! The interview went well and now I have to get my driving record from SD. They have a form I need to sign and send.

Then I went to see Sam and work on gourds. This is a first for me and I really enjoyed it. We cleaned 2 of them and then I cut the top off one and cleaned the inside, drew and burned in a dragonfly on the side of the round one. Then put holes around the neck for the leather. I have both ready to put the finish on. Pics to follow.

I need to go to hardware store and get the supplies to finish them. I am amazed at what people do to them! Check it out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Paint the shed

Monday I picked up my friends Bob and Ellen and we went to Home Depot to get paint, etc to paint the shed. It was about 11am before we got started and it was HOT. We, and I mean Bob and Ellen, got most of the painting done. I was soooo tired I barely had energy to take a shower.

They came over Tuesday 7:30 am and again we got started and finished about 11:30. They took off to have lunch with friends and I finished up. Finally done! I would still be painting if they had not come over and painted. They are "friends extradinaire". I just met them a few months ago at the last RV park I was in.

I have met such nice folks on this journey and I value every one of them.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Visit with friends

Yesterday 3 friends from my Tucson winter came over for a visit. It was good to see them. They liked my new spot. Two of them do gourds and showed me some of their new ones. Sam loaned me some tools and gave me a gourd. I have one from my stay in Tucson and have wanted to do something with it. I think I will make it a bird house. First I have to clean it then cut the hole, and drill the holes for the strap. I really like the coloring on it and think I will keep it.

Sam gave me a small gourd and I have an idea for it, but that might just change. I wish they were closer. I figured out that a round trip to Tucson costs me about $23.00! Wow!

Oh! I turned in an application for work at ACE Hardware and the position has already been filled. I think I would like to work there. The employee that took my app said to keep checking in. The search continues.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Slight Adjustment

When I got here I backed in and parked a little to far to the front of my lot. Yesterday I pulled in the slide outs and hooked up and adjusted my parking. Well it turned out to be a bigger job than I thought it would be. I'm still not where I think I should be. After I put the slideouts back out I see that I could move about 6" more to the right. The electrical post and fawcets are not designed for my slideouts. Oh well! another day.

It was hot and I got overheated and flushed. When I get flushed I have to take a long break to cool down.

The seller is supposed to be here this week to get their stuff out of the shed. I am eager to get started painting and see how much room I have for my stuff in storage.

The weather is beautiful! and the sunrises are as expected, spectacular! I am a lot happier here than in the other RV park. I think I made a good decision to move here.