Monday, July 27, 2009

Richmond, In

Made it here Sunday.  I'm at Grandpa's Farm RV Park.  It is very nice, lots of trees, etc.  However, I look out my back window at a fence and a major road.  But over the fence the view is a corn field and trees.  

My refrigerator is freezing everything.  I called a repair man and he is ordering a new thermister.  Also my dish receiver is not working.  I can't even explain the level of frustration I reached dealing with Dish net.  I finally got them to overnight a new receiver, but can't get anyone to come out to make sure all is ok.  Evidently they don't service RV's.  they will sell us the product but won't service it.  I am thinking of  checking out Direct TV.

I stayed a week and met some very nice local folks.    So far everyone has been very nice.  It is time to get on the road again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Montgomery IN

I'm now in Montomery, IN at an RV park that has mostly full time rv's.  They use it like a vacation home.  they only have 5 spots for travelers.  It is really beautiful here, green and clean.  Had dinner at an Amish restaurant - soooo good.  They had quilts on display that are entered in an auction.  I doubt that I could afford any of them!

Today I am heading to Washington, IN to see if I can locate my birth fathers birth certificate.  We have not had any luck so far.  He doesn't seem to be on any of the cencus rolls.  I need to find out the name etc of his parents.  Got a birth certificate for my birth father, we had his birthdate wrong.  Could not get one for his father.  The state did not require them in 1884.  Not sure what to do now to find information on him.

Headed to Richmond, In.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cahokia Mounds

Yes, I made it out of OK.  I am in Cahokia, ILL.  It is just across the river from St Louis, MO.  My satillite dish is not working and I am being forced to watch local TV.  Not to bad, just no HGTV!! 

 Sunday I went to see the Cahokia Mounds.  WOW!  They are dated from 800-1200 AD!  The Mississippian culture was at it peak during that time.  The park covers more than 40 acres.  It is quite impressive.  They have a very good museum and movie and you can walk the grounds, climb the mounds, which are small pyramids.  

Growing up in the southwest it is intersting to learn about our history before the white man arrived.  This is not taught in schools.  

I found out that I need to have a technician come out and fix my satillite.  Everyone I called has a 3 week waiting list.  Looks like I will be watching local tv for a while.. Ugh!  or I could read, etc.

St Louis Mo Arch

Yesterday I went on a bus tour of St. Louis.  It is such a pretty town.  Old brick buildings with carvings, etc on the buildings.  They are doing a great job of restoring the old buildings and building new ones to match the archetecture of the existing ones.  The tour guide was very good and took us to some places that were not on the list.  

We had the choice of going to the Arch or the Brewery.  I chose the Arch and took the ride to the top.  It was quite a trip.  The Arch is quite impressive.  But the most impressive place we visited was The Cathedral Basilica of St Louis.  WOW!! does not even begin to describe ones reaction when you go in and see it for the first time.  There are over 41,500 pieces of mosaics in more than 8,000 shades of colors.  There are no words to describe how beautiful it is. 

She also drove us thru different neighborhoods.  If I had gone on my own I never would have seen.  She was very informative and very proud of St Louis and the history of the area.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cherokee Hertiage Center

Well, I am still on a learning curve adding pictures.  Here is another try.  These are pictures of the village.  It was a very interesting experience.  I've been told that I am part Cherokee, but do not have any proof.  I hope to find some on this trip.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Yesterday I went to the Cherokee Heritage Center to check on my geneology.  I really don't have the information I need.  However, if I can get an appointment with someone in their geneology department they might be able to help me.  

It is still HOT and HUMID.  Can't wait to get to different weather.  Good weather anyway. I am going to see a friend of mine tomorrow.  It is a little out of the way, but I have not seen her for a few years.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Still in Oklahoma

Yes, I am still in OK.  My truck is finally done and  I will get it Monday.  I am staying another week as it will be my nieces 40th birthday and my sister will be here for a visit.

Last week end we went to Grant Lake.  I had a nice time but it was HOT!!  I don't know how people deal with the humididty.  I appreciate the southwest more every day.

On the way we saw this sign and I had to take a picture.