Thursday, December 29, 2011

More Dr appts and New Year

Well the kidney infection came back. I went to the Dr and they gave me a rx and sent urine for a culture. They called a few days ago and the culture showed the rx they gave me would not work and they gave me a new one. Maybe now it will be gone. Evidently there is protein in my urine, which I understand is not a good thing.

I do have an appt with a urologist on Wed. It will probably a get to know me and schedule tests appt.

Oh, I did not get the new Christmas lights up. When I paint the body of the shed this spring I will get it set up for the lights for next year.

I was hoping for a better start to the new year. I am hoping to travel some next summer. I miss my children and want to visit them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Test Results

Well, the Ultra sound showed an enlarged bile duct. The MRI showed an ulcer on my liver, the Dr said it has been there a long time and is nothing to worry about. The Endoscopy showed an enflamed stomach lining. They did a biospsy and there is nothing to worry about.

It is hard for me to believe that a small inflamation could cause those severe stomach aches. Looks like that is the case though. I haven't had any more and I hope that means this is over.

The first Dr did put me on antibiotics for a kidney infection, perhaps that helped with the inflamation in my stomach. who knows??

It has been COLD here but is supposed to be warming up to the mid 50's. I hope so. Perhaps I can put up the lights I bought for my shed.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stomach update

I had an MRI and it showed an ulcer on my liver, but the Dr said not to worry. That it had probably been there for years.

I had and Endoscopy and the only thing it showed was an inflamation of the lining at the bottom of my stomach. They did a biopsy and I shoul hear soon.

I went off the RX the dr gave me and so far no more stomach aches. Who knows why I was getting them. I'm just glad nothing showed up.

It was very cold last week, but now it is warming up and quite pleasent. Yesterday I went to a Christmas brunch that my sister-in-law started last year, and had a good time. We take a white elephant and a legitimate gift. To much fun was had by all. I got the cutest bird that looks great out on my patio. Also a cute canister. Cindy, the woman whose home we were in also gave me a small Christmas tree she had in her yard. She is so kind, funny and generous. Her home is very nice, especially the back yard. Two gazebos, two fire pits, bbq, plants, etc. It was warm, no wind and all in all a very good day.

Today I'm going to a concert at the Arizona Folklore Preserve to see Sweethearts in Carhearts. They are a trio of ladies. One is a cowboy poet and the other 2 are award winning singers. They have great harmony. Should be a good show. Last week the group was a combination of Daughters of the Purple Sage and 2 gentlemen. Great music!!!! I just don't understand why more people do not go the the Preserve.