Friday, October 22, 2010

Deming, NM

I left Alpine, Tx on Monday and had a very pleasant trip. I drove 60 mph all the way and my gas mileage was much better. I got around 11.7 mpg. Yeh!

The park is big and all gravel with a few trees. But, in Deming that is good as the wind blows a lot and there is a water shortage. After all we are in the desert. At Last!! I can see forever and not a tree or building in the way.

I've visited my sister and brother-in-law this week and will see my cousin in Las Cruces next week. I have another cousin somewhere here but don't have a current address or phone #. Hopefully I can find him.

The weather is good, cooling off a little. Fall is in the air.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fort Stockton, Texas

Yesterday I drove to Fort Stockton. It was a beautiful clear morning and the trip was nice. When I got there I went to the smallest Wall Mart I have seen. I needed cat litter and chemical for my tanks.

Fort Stockton is a small town with a Historic District. I drove around the Historic District and then found the Chamber of Commerce building and got some pamphlets and a map of the area. I saw the oldest house and some of the other buildings. There is a driving tour but the signage is lacking.

All in all it was a nice day, but I would not make the trip again. Tomorrow I think I will go see the State Park at Big Bend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Big Bend River Tour

I took a raft trip on the Rio Grande Monday. It was an 11 mile trip through the Colorado Canyon. Needless to say it was very wonderful. It has been many years since my last raft trip. This one had 1 #2 rapid. It was not the canyon I had signed up for, but the water level in the other canyon was to low. Evidently that part of the water level is regulated from the Mexican side of the river.

All in all I do reccommend it if you come down this way. There is a lot to see. Today I'm going to Fort Stockton. More tomorrow!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center

Yesterday I went for a hike at the Center. It is near Fort Davis and the geography is similar. Very much like NM and AZ. Even though it is an easy 1 hour hike I had overestimated myself. I have not hiked for a long time and it was hot. Needless to say, I did have to rest once, which probably is not that bad. I saw Javalinas and a snake. It was so peaceful and quiet with a gentle breeze, a piece of heaven on earth.

After a short rest I walked the botanical garden part and was very impressed with the way it was layed out. They have a program to band hummingbirds, evidently there are a 16 species in the Davis Mountains.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fort Davis, Texas

Yesterday after I had the truck looked at I drove to Fort Davis. It is about 30 miles away and it is a really beautiful drive. It reminded me of NM and AZ. My kind of country.

The park service has done a good job of restoring it. They have an 8 minute movie about the history. They have several buildings that are also furnished. It was a very quiet peaceful walk around the grounds.

Update on Truck

I took my truck to a mechanic yesterday due to the bad MPG that I got on my trip here. He was a very nice young man and he checked it out. He said that the new air filter that I had put on in OK was not the problem. The computer that checks the mpg works better with that filter. He suggested I put on a regular air filter and see it that helps.

I am going to talk to my male relatives about it and see how it does on the rest of the trip to AZ.

Oh, he did not charge me for the check up. :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Marathon, Tx

Yesterday I spent the day getting familiar with the area. I went to a few galleries and then the Big Bend Museum. It is located at the university and they do a very good job. It shows the history of the area from before the spaniards got here. Very interesting and presented very well. I really enjoyed it.

Then I decided to drive to Marathon, it is 30 miles away and is a small village. It reminded me of Las Cruces when I was a child. A sleepy little village with cafe's and several art galleries. I enjoyed the drive over too. The area is a lot like southern NM and AZ. I could see for miles!!!

Tomorrow I have an appointment to have my truck looked at. It has not been the same since the last oil change.

Thursday is Big Bend Park day. I'm looking forward to it. I might book a raft trip.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trip to Alpine Texas

I left Sweetwater early yesterday morning. The trip was uneventful, for a while. I saw a sign for Stanton, Tx that read: "Home of 3,000 friendly people and several old sore heads". I love this country! Then I drove thru Midland, Tx, home of President and Laura Bush. It is much larger than I thought.

I should have filled by gas tank before I left there as there is not another town for about 200 miles. Needless to say I ran out of fuel 19 miles from my destination. I called OnStar and since I had 1 gallon left they could not help me, I had to be completely out of gas. I stopped at a spot that looked safe to me. I was on a 2 lane highway and found a spot that had 4 lanes and I pulled over as far as I could. I then got ahold of a towing company and "they don't deliver fuel". By that time I was totally frustrated. I called the RV Park and they called the Highway Patrol and a very nice patrolman brought me 5 gallons of fuel. This took about 1 1/2 hours. I then limped into town and put $45 in so I could get to the park. It was a very hot frustrating afternnon.
Normally I get 300 miles to a tank when I have the trailer attached. This time I got 257. I went from 10-11 mpg to 8.3!!!! I have an appt tomorrow to have it checked out. This is NOT ok.

Even in the state I was in the area is beautiful. You come over a hill and there is a beautiful green valley. The rv park is very nice, the spaces are level and large enough to park your truck without sticking out in the driveway.

Today I'm going into town and checking it out. I just don't feel like driving for a long time today.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Abilene Tx

Wed. I went to Abilene to visit a girl I went to high school with. It was really good to see her and catch up. We met her husband for lunch at a Bells Chicken Rest. They serve family style and with your choice of meat you get corn, green beens, gravy and rolls. Plus it was all very good.

Then we went to Frontier Texas. It is a history of western Texas and they do a great job. I really enjoyed it. It gave a history of the Indians and how they were eliminated from the area. I was impressed that they did not sugar coat it. There were video images talking about their part in history. There are 2 rooms in the round that are very well done. I highly reccommend you see it, if you are in the area.

Sweetwater Tx

I left Oklahoma early Monday morning. I stopped and had my trailer and truck washed before I hit the road. I felt sad and glad at the same time. Sad to be leaving family but glad to be on the road again. I got here about 3pm. The manager and his wife came over to help me and show me where everything is. Some Elks Lodges have RV facilities and this is one of them.

Wed. they have hamburger night, for $5 you get hamburger w/fixings, fries, beens and a drink. Plus it was good.

Not sure where I will be next. I'm on my way to the Big Bend National Park in South Texas. I'm hoping the weather will be good (cooler) while there.