Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More of the Same

This has been a week of more of the same. I am just doing the normal living things. I have started a new knitting project. A pair of wrist warmers for my sister and I am learning to knit in the round. Not as complicated as it looked when I started. I also finished a scarf for a Christmas present.

We did drive to Anadarko to visit a museum and the bakery that delivered 5 tray of goodies to my sisters home the day of the funeral. It was a long drive for them and we wanted to let them know we appreciated it. Besides the goodies were delicicious.

We are going to go to Branson Monday for a few days. That sounds like fun and we do need some.

Oh! I bought a new system for my sewer. The hose is supposed to be a lot stronger, now to put it on. This should be intersting.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cataract Surgery

Had the surgery today. All went well. I can now see distance out of my right eye. Hopefully I will be able to read again. I have several books waiting. Also a beading project. It took all of 45 minutes after they got me signed in and the pre-op stuff taken care of. I remember seeing lots of colors.

My sister took good care of me and fed me a very good dinner. She is so sweet and a really good sister. I lucked out on that one.

Tomorrow I go for a check up.

Thanks to all who wished me well.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Yesterday was Dan's funeral. We drove down on Thursday and went to the viewing and then to dinner with the family. It was a very emotional and sad time. Especially for my sister, Sheryl. She lost her husband July 1st and this was a double whammy for her.

We drove home yesterday and it was a long drive. I'm exhausted. Today I'm just doing laundry and other household chores. We might go to a movie today, if we can find a comedy. I'm not up for a heavy drama.

Monday I have cataract surgery on my right eye. Whew!!! I'll keep you all posted on the results.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Beloved Brother, Dan

My sister and I drove down to Texas to see our brother, Dan. He has bile duct cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. While we were there he was put on 24 hour nursing care by Hospice. It was a very sad week end. I think he only has days left as he is no longer aware of his surroundings.

For those of you that don't know, our Mother had given him up for adoption and he found us about 17 years ago. Not long enough to have him in our lives. He fit in our family like he had always been in it. Similar sense of humor, etc. He even looked a lot like our father.

I got a call Monday morning that Dan passed away. He will be missed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Air Conditioner

It has been over a week that my air conditioner has been on the fritz. Ice was forming on the inside coils. If I turned it off and let the ice melt and turned it back on it would work for a while. The repairman put in a new thermister and that did not help and it was forming ice on both sides of the coils. He came back and tested the box and said I needed a new air conditioner.

He was supposed to call the Warrenty Co Tuesday. I called yesterday and found that he had not called them and he is not returning any of my calls. I went to the office and discovered that he is not answering their calls either. I found another repairman and am waiting for a call for them to come check it out and pehaps finally fix it.

In the meantime I'm at my sisters house with my cat. Needless to say he does not like the dog. She just got a 10 month old german shepard and he is very enthusiastice about the cat. I can't wait to get back home. Neither can Billie.

This week end we are going to visit our brother in Texas. Our other brother from Az is flying in. It will be nice for all of us to be together, I just wish it were under better circumstances.