Monday, May 4, 2009

Deming NM

I arrived about 2pm on Saturday.  It was so windy.  It took me a while to set up.  Discovered that someone stole my rug from my truck bed.  Just lucky they did not get my blocks I use for my jacks.  

This park is out of town about 6 miles.  It is at the end of a 5 mile dirt/gravel road.  I thought I was lost as there is nothing to see until you get there and then it is quite a site.  Just the way I like it.  Out in the country, quiet and peaceful.  

There are jack rabbits playing right in the park each morning.  they are fun  to watch.  also lots of quail and birds singing. a piece of heaven on earth.

Had dinner with Lorraine and Larry yesterday and as usual it was good.  They are coming over this am to see my rig.  

Tomorrow I am going to Silver City to see my cousin David and his wife Janet.  She has done a lot of work on the family tree.  I hope to get enough information to check on my Cherokee heritage.

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