Saturday, January 12, 2013

Post Hollidays

Well 2013 started off with a bang.  I went to the Dr last month and he sent me to a vasuclar surgeon and I had an angiogram and they found trouble in both veins in my neck.  Next month I have to have a bypass.  This is not something I'm looking forward to.  I had hoped that this year would be Dr free.  Oh well!!!

My sister is coming out to take care of me.  I really appreciate it too.  She will be her for about 10 days. I hope to only be  out of work 1 week.

Other than that all is good.  Woke up to snow yesterday and frozen water hose today.  I'm waiting for it to get  warm enough to make coffee.    Naturally Billie is wanting to go outside, but it is to cold this early.

Not much else going on.  more later.

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