Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

I spent Christmas at home.  The park had Christma dinner and I went there and spent it with friends from the park.  I really do like to be home on Christmas.  Call family and friends, etc.  It was a very good, quiet day.

This year I had a lighted outdoor decoration.  All attempts to get a picture failed.  Oh well!!  I hope to get another one, on sale, for next year.  Slowly I will get this place decorated.

I did have an angiogram and on Jan 3rd I find out the results.  I think I have 2 kinks in arteries, veins in my neck.  Thankfully I have 2 very good friends in Tucson, Pat & Patty.  They let me spend the night before at their home and then they drove me to the hosp and came and got me and let me spend another night with them.  They are too good to me.  I was there from 7am to 7pm!

I was hoping to start the new year Dr free, but that is not to be.  However, I plan on the rest of the year being as Dr free as possible.

Also, I want to do some traveling next year.  I do have to go to South Dakota to renew my drivers license.  But I do plan on some week end trips to see more of Arizona.  It is such a beautiful state.

Happy New Year!!!

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