Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cochise Cowboy Poetry Gathering

This week-end I spent from Friday am to Sunday at 4PM at the Gathering. We had a breakfast reception at the Methodist Church. There were 3 entertainers and 55 people showed up. It was very good. Then to lunch at The Outback. They did very good ribs and chicken, etc. Then the sponsor reception. Then Charity and I went to her house and collected all the stuff we needed at the school. Banner poles and banners, clip boards, etc. We were in charge of the raffel also. She had Olli and his wife Linda in charge of that and they did a great job! We had 1000 tickets printed and had 22 left unsold.
We gave $1750 out in prize money and had the rest for profit.

The show Friday night was, as usual very good. Saturday there was a $5. charge to get in, for the 1st time. Some complaints, but not many. They get to go from venue to venue and have a chance to see all the performers. For $5!!!!

Dennis Gaines was on Saturday night and again he is so funny. If you get a chance to see him, do.

Today there was a breakfast for sponsors, volunteers and performers. Again a bang up job. This is one of the best Gatherings in the country.

I can hardly wait for next year.

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