Friday, November 19, 2010


Last week I went to my 50th high school reunion. I picked up a friend, Gail, in Tucson. She flew in from Maryland by way of LA. It was a long trip for her. But we made it and caught up with another classmate, Willa Dean. Friday about 15 of us met for lunch at the local diner and had a good time catching up. Then there was the parade and meeting more classmates. After that we could go to the game or up to one of our classmates home for a get-together. Needless to say we chose the get-together. It was really nice to catch up with everyone.

Saturday Gail and I drove around and visited our old homesites and high school. Our high school was an old Army-Air Force base that was rented for the grand sum of $1. per year. Now it is fenced and falling apart. Very sad. One of the homes I lived in is still around and looks like it has had some work done on it. The other one is gone! But a new home has been built next to it.

Fosters Freeze is closed but still standing. Carls is gone. We used to "cruise" from Fosters to Carls. Just to see if anyone new (?) was in town. What were we thinking it was Blythe! Nobody new ever.

All in all it was good to see everyone again.

Gail came home with me and we then went to Tombstone and Bisbee. It was nice to drive around and see this part of the country. I put her on the plane Wed then drove to Maricopa to see my niece and her family. The kids are sooooo cute!

Now I'm getting ready to drive to California for Thanksgiving. I'm looking so forward to seeing my children. It has been to long.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Trip to Tucson

Yesterday I drove to Tucson to have my nails and hair done. It was good to see Bev, my nail tech. She winters in Tucson and then goes home to SD for the summer. Then I had my hair cut. The one I got in Oklahoma was not what I wanted. Now that I know what I want my hair is to short. So, Roxy cut it very short but with the basic cut that I want it to grow into. A bob with a wedge. It is REALLY short. But it will grow back, that is the one thing about hair that is good since we (women) change our mind so often.

Then I went to my brother and sister-in-laws house and visited with them. It was good to see them after so long.

Today I think I will wash my unit - when it warms up and if the wind does not start again. There are a lot of bugs on the front and it just needs a general cleaning.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Huachuca City, Az

Made it to my winter home. The park is small but very well kept and it seems to be very quiet too. They have some activities planned but not enough to interfere with your life. Yesterday I got my truck washed, did some grocery shopping and went to Tombstone. I just wanted to see the country without trees in the way. I love the southwest.

I have to wash my rig in the next few days as I am heading to Blythe, Ca for my 50th class reunion. I'm picking up a high school chum in Tucson and we are driving over. Taking Billie with me as I don't know anyone here to watch him. Then Gail is coming back with me for a few days and leaves for home the 17th.

All else is good.