Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fort Pickens Fl

Monday I went to Fort Pickens, Fl with a new friend, Bill. He is a recent widower and at loose ends for the holidays.

It was established before the Civil War and played a large part in keeping the harbor safe from the confederates. The soldiers were surrounded by confederates but managed to keep the fort for the union. The guns were updated for each war after and now it is a reminder of those times. It is also the fort were Geronimo was kept. A sad statement of our treatment of the native peoples.

It was a beautiful sunny day. Not to last to long as it is raining today. But there is a promise of a sunny day tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Aunt Judy

My Aunt Judy passed away last Sunday. She was back in the hospita with an infection that they thought would be ok. She took a turn for the worst Sunday am. The funera was set for yesterday and I looked for reasonable airline tickets. Reasonable being the operative word. From Pensacola airport it would have been $3000. one way to Oklahoma City. Whoever sets those fares should be in jail. That is just highway robbery. I feel very sad that I could not be at her funeral. She was a very important person in my life. I just checked the weather and a blizzard is on its way to OK. Might be a good thing that I could not be there.

I spent a summer with her and Uncle Everett when I was a teen ager. That is a summer that I will never forget. They wanted me to come live with them, but I missed my family to much.

Maybe it is the rain, but I feel melencholy today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rain Rain

It has been rainy and cold the last few weeks. Nothing much going on. I went to the Dr and had some blood work done. No results yet. I'm scheduled Monday for a colonoscopy. Ugh!! Getting old is certainly no fun.

I do have most of my Christmas shopping done and presents and cards are sent. Trailer decorated. The owners of the park are very nice and have decorated for Christmas. It is very nice to have owners that take an interest in the park. They are so nice.

My Aunt Judy had a heart attack and had to have a stint put in. She sounds so weak, I am worried about her. I don't think we will have her with us much longer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It has rained since yesterday morning. Right now it is pouring and there is a TORNADO WATCH. I really don't like this weather. My roof is not leaking, yet. There was a very big leak during tropical storm ida. Nothing since, so I think we fixed it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yesterday I went to the lab to have my 6 month blood work done. After I found the lab there was a 1 hour wait. I should know the results this week. I hope all is good. My testing monitor shows my blood sugar higher than it was last year. I'm going to call the company and see if I need a new monitor.

It rained hard yesterday, some of the county was under flood watch. I think it is supposed to rain again today. I went shopping in Gulf Breeze. Found a very nice gift shop. Think I will go back if I need some gifts.