Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lubbock, Texas

I am finally on my way.  I left Santa Fe this am at 7:30, it felt good to be on the road again.  My visit in santa fe was good, I got to see a lot of my friends and catch up with them as I won't get to see them for a few years.  This was a hot trip, it was 95.  Ugh!!  I'm staying at the Elks Lodge in Lubbock, Texas for the night.  This is my first stay at a Lodge.  It is very nice and they had someone guide me as I had to back-in.  Everyone here is very nice and helpfull.  

I'm on my way to my brother Dan's in Granbury, Texas.  It will be good to see him and Jo again.  It has been to long.  I will be there for about a week.  My sister, Sheryl, and her husband will be there too.    Then on to OK to visit with my sister and her family and my Aunt Judy.  She is 86 and not doing that well.

more later.

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