Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Texas Hail Storm

I made it to my brothers and all was calm until Friday evening, then the STORM moved it.  It brought golf ball sized hail.  Needless to say I had some damage.  Broken windshield, hail pits on roof, hood, tool box etc., broken handle.  I am in Ok now and in the process of getting estimates.  No damage to my trailer as it was parked under some huge trees.  Just a lot of leaves and small branches.

Other than that it was a very nice visit.  Learned to play Mexican Train, a domino game.  It is a fun game.

I am in Ok city now to get my truck fixed and visit family.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lubbock, Texas

I am finally on my way.  I left Santa Fe this am at 7:30, it felt good to be on the road again.  My visit in santa fe was good, I got to see a lot of my friends and catch up with them as I won't get to see them for a few years.  This was a hot trip, it was 95.  Ugh!!  I'm staying at the Elks Lodge in Lubbock, Texas for the night.  This is my first stay at a Lodge.  It is very nice and they had someone guide me as I had to back-in.  Everyone here is very nice and helpfull.  

I'm on my way to my brother Dan's in Granbury, Texas.  It will be good to see him and Jo again.  It has been to long.  I will be there for about a week.  My sister, Sheryl, and her husband will be there too.    Then on to OK to visit with my sister and her family and my Aunt Judy.  She is 86 and not doing that well.

more later.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Still in Santa

Yes, I'm still in Santa Fe,  but am leaving here Sunday the 7th.  I have been catching up with friends, and seeing the Dr, Dentists, getting new glasses, etc.  Had treadmill test Friday,  thought I was going to pass out!  I have another test Wed and will see the Dr on Friday.  

It has been cold and cloudy here,  losing the tan I got in Tucson.  Tenzin, my little sister, graduated and is now getting ready for college.  I plan on being in Ct when she gets there for school.  I am very proud of her as she got a full 4 year scholarship and is 1 of 12 in the science program at Connecticut College.

If I ever learn how to post pictures I will post one of her.