Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tomato Plant update

I have 2 more sprouts! I just might get some tomatoes this summer. I also bought a Selvia plant and now I need to get a pot for it. I think I will plant it in a pot and maybe next year put it in the ground. I want it to be bigger than it is now.

I'm still looking for a job. I have a lead on a part-time one that I can do from home and suplement my income. It sounds easy enough. we shall see.

spring is here and the flowers are starting to bloom and the trees are starting to but. Also the birds are singing like crazy.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tomato Plants

Carmel sent me some Cherokee Plum Tomato seeds and I planted them in an egg carton. This is my first ever try at this.

This morning, much to my suprise, there are 3 sprouting! I hope I can keep them going and will have some tomatoes this summer. Wish me luck.

I also planted holly hock seeds, but as of yet, nothing. :(