Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update on Dr Appt.

Well, I went to the new Dr on Jan 4th. It turns out I was sent to the wrong type of specialist! They sent me to a Urologist and I should have seen a Nephrologist.

When I went in an told her my problem she told me they do not deal with that type of problem and that I should be seeing a Nephrologist. I asked what they dealt with and one of the problems was incontinence, so I decided not to waste the office visit and had her check that out for me. As it turns out I do have a problem and they are treating me for it.

Now I have an appt for the 31st with the newest Dr. Hopefully this is the right one. He was recommended by a friend and she sang his praises.

That week I have already asked for 2 days off, so I have to go in and talk to them about days off. this should be interesting.