Thursday, November 3, 2011

More stomach ache

It has been a very painful week. Some days I am ok, but then I will have a bad day. Sunday was a bad day. Spent most of the day in bed. The next day all was good, the next some pain, but now awful. then yesterday, went home from work after 3 hours and had pain all day. I called the Dr and asked for something for pain. the pharmacy just called and my rx is ready.

Lets hope this works and I can actually work. I need the $.

I'm still trying not to build a mountain range, but this is not looking to good. It is difficult staying positive.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stomach ache

this is not necessarily an escapade but I've been having severe stomach aches for about a week now. I went to the Dr and had some blood work and an ultr sound. the ultra sound came back abnormal and now I have to go see a gastroenterolgist. that sounds like more tests. Ugh!!

I'll keep you informed.

I called and I have an appt for the 14th. It seems like an eternity to me.