Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Saga of the Black Water Tank

It all started Feb 2nd.  I called the rv repair shop to check out a leak.  Well, the technician thought it was my gray water tank and we called the mfg and they ok'd repair.   He came out again and took the bottom cover off, removed the insulation (which was very wet and smelly).  He discovered that it was the black water tank and NOT the gray water tank.  We called the mfg and told them what the problem was and they said they would send a new tank.  Between the 2 calls they did not get the message about which tank is was and they sent a gray water tank. We did not know that and Vic, the technician, removed the black water tank and then discovered  that we had the wrong one.  I called the company and they said they sent the one we told them. but they would send out the right one.  that was on a Friday.   

On monday I got a call that they did not have one.  It seems their supplier went out of business and they were in the process of getting a new one.  So, I was without a toilett for about a month.  Thankfully the park owners gave me a key to the clubhouse so I could use the one there.  Vic hooked up my shower and sinks to the sewer hose so I could at least use them.  I called RV Sales and spoke them to see what they could do to help me.  They suggested that I b uy a porta potti and have the co pay for it.  them Ralph called back and said if they would not then go ahead and purchase one anyway and they would buy it from me whan I got to Abq.  What other dealer would go that far????

Finally!!! on April 23rd-24th the new one is installed and all is good.  I thought I was going to have to stay in Tucson forever.  On my way to Deming then on to Abq and Santa Fe.

Well, it is May 12th and I am at the RV dealer to have them check the work done in Tucson.  Needless to say it was not correct.  the grey water valve was installed wrong and there was a connection between the 2 tanks that resulted in black water getting into the grey water tank.
Great!!!  but now I am all good and ready to go to Santa Fe.